Willis Carto archive

Including information about his associates

What others have said about Carto

Tom Metzger’s personal exposé of the CARTO/FARREL Affair

Dear Tom:

Good old Willis Carto … I’ll never forget how shaken up he was when a group of friends from the NYC area made the trip down to la cesspool Grande to protest the opening of the holocaust museum way back when. A real shady character. How the hell did he end up as one of the beneficiaries of the Edison fortune anyway?? Not too many people know this and I have always wondered how that came to be.



Tommy says:

Willis Carto is a case history in multi faceted personality. I first met him in the early 70s. I worked with him on a few projects when I was just another right-winger. He has for years been able to play the man of many faces. At his front called Liberty Lobby among several others he gathered a few well known and respected people around him like Curtis Dahl (sp), Martin Larson, Revilo P. Oliver, etc. Using these people as a front he shamelessly milked primarily senior citizens. Oliver figured Carto out pretty quick and later exposed him.

While much of his following was Christian and only lightly racist he played the NAZI side to but was able to juggle the balls and keep them all in the air. On one hand he romance little old Christian Conservatives and on the other attended Hitler birthday parties.

Through hundreds of fund raisers based on the false premise of Liberty Lobby going broke, Carto built quite an empire. I will say that the best project he had on the side was Noontide Press that distributed a lot of good Racist books. He also published some good racial or N.S. periodicals.

In the early 80s through his right wing network he was brought into contact with Jean Farrel recipient of the Edison fortune and who lived in Europe. That contact was made by Henry Fischer — an Australian I believe — who is an ardent Catholic and who once owned a major Catholic newspaper in Los Angeles, California.

Carto has a penchant for quarreling with people that he should be loyal to and rewarding people who betray him. A strange mental makeup for sure.

It was during a quarrel with his partner Henry Fisher that I became involved. I was invited to Fischer’s home in Escondido, California on three occasions. During these visits Fisher confided in me the entire sordid background to Carto’s relationship with Farrel. he detailed to me how Carto lost at least half the money to the Jews. Fischer is now on the run probably living in France and fleeing from the IHR collection crew.

The deal was made that Farrel would will her fortune to Liberty lobby, IHR, and beyond that for the general support of the Anti-Jew, anti-banking forces in this country. I assume Carto maneuvered Farrel into naming him as the agent to carry out her wishes.

You must understand that Willis Carto is more Jewish when it comes to money than most Jews I ever met. He was to call Ms. Farrel once per week as a courtesy to see how she was doing. Small price to pay for millions right? Carto was to cheap to make European calls on a weekly basis and in the mean time the Jew boys hired the Farrel housekeeper to work for them.

Sometimes long periods elapsed without Carto calling Ms. Farrel. Eventually she died and the Housekeeper as agent for the Jews informed them immediately. The Jews immediately through their usual manipulation went to all the banks around the world where Farrel had money stashed and were able to tie up the accounts. Ms. Farrel hated banks especially American banks. By the time Carto got the word he could cash in, it cost a fortune of at least half the estate to get the remainder out of the grid lock imposed by the Jews.

Once Carto did get his hands on a much depleted estate he began salting it away in offshore accounts and simply making bad investments. I exposed this information on my hotline way back when I was first made aware by Henry Fischer in the mid 80s as I recall. Amusingly enough no one paid any attention to my alert. Later the IHR people got wind of it and sued Carto for fraud, etc. What you see happening today is the winding down of the whole sordid affair.

Meanwhile Carto has been fighting a delaying action and at the same time accusing every one of either being CIA, or working for the Jews or being a Jew. Strange when I heard him declare in open court in Vista, California, how great a friend the greasy kike Mark Lane was. Yes, while accusing others of being a Jew, Carto hires Mark Lane, a charlatan of the worst order, to be attorney for Liberty Lobby.

The irony is that still thousands of Right-wing Conservatives and even N.S. believe Carto’s lies. This is why the old right must go.

That’s it in a nutshell. Carto now tries to paint himself as a martyr, and Henry Fischer, who went back to work with Carto after revealing all this to me, is carrying millions in his suitcase as he tries to elude IHR collectors.

Jean Farrel was a good woman who wanted to finance a real struggle. In the end the Jews got at least half the money in a deal with Carto and he tried to hide the rest.

That’s the story in brief. Sad but true. It gives new meaning to the saying,



Tom Metzger